MÉXICO on behalf of Peace 2023
Gratitude in my heart for the Fundación Un Curso de Milagros México - Jorge Mares and Feli for organizing and supporting us. Our Love also goes to Miguel Angel Olguin, Melly Angulo and the collaborating spiritual family in every corner of México: Dany and Brenda in San Luis Potosi, Marilia in McAllen (USA) and Florencia in Monterrey. They are making this Journey possible by accepting Peace as our joint Purpose.
"Beloved family in México, we wish to share with you the places and activities organized for us as we feel guided and blessed to be in this country. I (Carolina) am travelling with my sister friend and student, Berta Ceballos. She is also my generous sponsor for this trip. We are a blessed Family of Light!
We are coming to you for hugs and acknowledgement that We Are Joined".
Our time in Mexico City ended for now
Wednesday March 22 · Lunch + ACIM Class in person & Via Zoom.
Hosted by: Miguel Ángel Olguín (Spanish)
Thursday March 23 · ACIM Class in person & Via Zoom with Carolina's Un Curso de Milagros PROFUNDO online. Hosted by: Jorge Mares (Spanish)
de 10am a 2pm · de 4pm a 6pm · Place: Templo de San José del Altillo, CDMX
Organized by: Fundación para Un Curso de Milagros México (Spanish) and Jorge Mares
"The month of April has a DEEP PURPOSE: We will be living in Community. This will not be a cloistered retreat, far from it. It is our opportunity to share everyday living with the Spiritual Family awaiting to Join, share ACIM on a daily basis and just bask in the everyday life of this lovely Mexican town. If you wish to visit us, talk to us or even invite us to a gathering, Ajijic and the Namaste Community will be our home for this month."
If you wish to write to us CLICK HERE In ENGLISH
Saturday April 8th · IntroDanza Session: "Making Way for Peace" - At Namaste
Tuesday April 11th · A Profound Conversation · "The Discipline of Peace" - At Namaste
Thursday April 13th · Another Profound Conversation · "Radical Honesty" - At Namaste
Saturday April 15th · IntroDanza Session: "In the Ark of Peace" - At Namaste, 5 - 7pm
Tuesday May 2nd · Arrival
Wednesday May 3rd · 6 - 8pm · CONFERENCE in English: "Health & Mind: A Mindful Approach to Wellness" VENUE: Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance - 118 Paseo del Prado, Edinburg TX 78539
Organized by: Marilia Zambrano Gómez
Thursday May 4th · 6 a 8pm · CONFERENCIA (español) "Mente & Salud: Una Aproximación al Bienestar en Consciencia Plena" Lugar: Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance - 118 Paseo del Prado, Edingurg TX 78539
Organiza: Marilia Zambrano Gómez
Friday May 5th · A Course in Miracles SESSION · "GUILTLESS RELATIONSHIPS" (Spanish) 10am a 12m · VENUE: Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance
- 118 Paseo del Prado, Edinburg TX 78539
Organized by: Marilia Zambrano Gómez
Saturday May 6th · WORKSHOP · "Peace as a Way of Living" 10am a 12m (lunch : 12 - 1.30pm) then 1.30pm - 6pm (+ 15 min. Coffee Break) · VENUE: Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance - 118 Paseo del Prado, Edinburg TX 78539
Organized by: Marilia Zambrano
Sunday May 7th · Resting & Sightseeing
CLICK on image to enlarge / download
Encounters based on the books
The Discipline of Peace & A Course in Miracles
Carolina shares her conferences & workshops to inspire us into the APPLICATION
of the teachings of A Course in Miracles and the experience of Peace.
LIVING PEACE & Experiencing Joy is her goal.
We will have our hearts become PEACE ZONES !
“Peace is... the prerequisite for knowledge only because
those who are in conflict are not peaceful..." ACIM, T8, I.1:2-3
"Forget not that the motivation for this course is the attainment and the keeping of the state of peace. ²Given this state the mind is quiet, and the condition in which God is remembered is attained."ACIM, T24, I.1:1-2
Peace in Relationships - Findhorn Community
Entering de Ark of Peace - Ibiza
We are currently translating this page into English
Info below is still in Spanish. Thank you for your Patience
SÁBADO 25 de marzo · TALLER de 8hrs.
De 10am a 6pm
Profundizaremos en la invitación que hace Un Curso de Milagros a centrarnos en alcanzar una experiencia de Paz Interior.
Con ejercicios prácticos aprenderemos a desarrollar nuestra mermada capacidad de experimentar gratitud como paso previo a vivir la paz.
Aprenderemos a establecer la Paz como meta, por sobre todas las cosas.
Descubriremos cómo practicar el “Poder de Decisión” que te llevará a elegir La Paz como prioridad.
Dates TBD
CLAVE 1 · (4hrs por la tarde)
Desarrollar la Gratitud Abre Puertas Internas
Comenzamos a profundizar en este CLAVE 1 para desarrollar nuestra mermada capacidad de experimentar gratitud o no podremos apreciar la paz.
Por las noches, después de cenar, compartiremos charlas espontáneas, cine para el despertar, música relajante y juegos espirituales.
CLAVE 2 · (8hrs)
Parte 1 · El Cambio Interno: Aprender a Vivir en Plenitud
Seguimos profundizando y usamos el día –con IntroDanza & Aprendizaje Cooperativo- para descubrir que la plenitud es una condición completamente ajena a nuestro entendimiento por lo que desearla sin entenderla se convierte en esta clave.
CLAVE 2 (cont) · ( 4hrs en la mañana)
Parte 2 · El Silencio es La Clave
Daremos “el salto” hacia un espacio de “Presencia y Quietud”.
“Las palabras apenas significarán nada ahora. Pues lo único que nos interesa ahora es tener una experiencia directa de la verdad.” (Un Curso de Milagros)
CLAVE 2 (cont) · ( 4hrs por la tarde)
Parte 3 · La Honestidad Radical como preámbulo para la paz
Introducción y practica de la "Honestidad Radical" como paso fundamental. “Usar la honestidad para abrir la puerta hacia el Reino de la Paz, es la acción inteligente.” (del libro La Disciplina de la Paz)
CLAVE 3 · ( 4hrs en la mañana)
La Paz como Forma de Vida
¿Estás listo, dispuesta a que la Paz sea tu disciplina?
Hoy veremos la Paz como un como una elección y no como un resultado. Queremos alcanzar y conservar e estado de paz. Es natural.